Newport Replica Lookout

Replica L-4 cab at the Pend Oreille County Historical Society Museum

Lookout Site Region: Northeast WA

The L-4 cab on display at the Pend Oreille County Historical Society & Museum is not really a re-located lookout as it was never used for fire detection.  It was built at the museum following Forest Service blueprints and is equipped with much of a lookout’s equipment and furnishings.  It is included as a Type 1 as it allows the museum visitor to experience the environment that one who manned a fire lookout lived and worked in.

The lookout is on the grounds of the museum in Newport Washington.  The only permission required to visit it is the small museum entry fee.  The Pend Oreille County Historical Society & Museum consists of several buildings, which were taken from different locations and reassembled here. Three log cabins, which were detached and reconstructed on the museum grounds are named as Hunter’s Cabin, the Settler’s Cabin and the Claire HoI Schoolhouse. The replica of a fire lookout has also been constructed by following the blueprints of Forest Service.

The museum was in downtown Newport (Photo from museum web site)
The Lo was in a group of logging exhibits (Photo from museum website.)

Peggy and I visited the museum on September 28. 2018.  The museum was closed so we had to take our photos from outside the museum fence.

By hiker99ralph

I am a long time hiker and more recently have added lookout chasing to the hiking hobby. I served as a lookout fireman at the Hoodoo Lookout in the Blue Mountains in the summers of 1957 and 1958. I got away from lookouts after that until retiring when I started chasing lookouts.